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Guangzhou Sankyo Plastics Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Sankyo Plastics Co., Ltd. (広州三協塑料有限公司), one of our important customers located in Guangzhou China, had updated their Heat Distortion Tester (a.k.a. HDT) purchased from us back in Nov 2019. Since the old HDT was yearly calibrated by our engineer, we offered a quotation of the new HDT without weights for each station. (These weights are high cost accessories). If the old tester is constantly calibrated, some of the accessories can be omitted from the quotation of full specification. We are very glad that the customer has been satisfied with our proposal and received our tester with pleasure.
As we mentioned above we will try to find the reasonable way to solve the tasks which our customer has. So please ask us without any hesitates.

In 2019, Yasuda sales person in charge of Indian maket had installed No.119-L to respected customer, TATA INTERNATIONAL INDIA. The customer uses this product for evaluation of the Leather which is used for Car Sheet. Each of Yasuda Seiki Seisakusho and Tata International exchanged opinions for its use. ex.) How to set stroke, how to set chack part. We are very glad that the customer positively asked much questions for operation while our installtion and training. These direct feedbacks from the customer make Yasuda Seiki grow. Thank you so much.
We Yasuda Seiki Seisakusho will support the installtion and training even the customer is not locaed in Japan. Until the product is tobe safely operated by the customer Yasuda Seiki Seisakusho will carefully answer the questions from the customer. So please do not hesitate to confess your worries.